
Myth/Archetypal Theory

Myth/Archetypal Theory

the tree has grown weak
its roots no longer thrive for the life they once killed for
it has grown weak
but has not been taken down
it still stand strong
watching the kids play
watching the kids grow
grow old like the tree
watching the innocence being taken
like the trees was by every leave ripped off
what made you so weak
is it old age
or is it because of all the storms you faced
are you tired
is this why you have grown weak

This is a picture of the tree outside of my house, that has been here for my whole life. Trees represent strength and wisdom. This tree is a symbol of life, maybe even my life. This tree has been here for as long as I can remember, spreading and growing each year like myself. I’ve seen kids get their toys and balls stalk up in this tree, and watch them cry for their parents to get it down. That can be life too, the obstacles life has. This tree has been through storms where I thought it wasn’t going to last, but it still held strong. Maybe I am so attached to this tree, because this tree is me.

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