
Reader Response Theory

Reader Response Theory

on the stage
is where I found a home
where I cannot even let my deepest thoughts disturb me
I am content
I’m at peace
on the stage
is where my heart is
it’s where i feel like i belong
it’s where i feel like i’m finally doing something right
i only feel happiness and joy
acceptance and love
i can be anything i want, pretend to be anyone i want
and who could ask for anything better
on the stage
is where a found a home

My last photo, is a picture of my playbills, which are defiantly a part of me. Musical theatre has been and always will be a part of my life. It is what makes me me. It has gotten me through the worst of times, and has given me hope when I had none left. It is the way I express myself. It is a way to escape from everything and be something completely different from who you are. Musical theatre has been the only place where I feel like I’m doing something right, it’s something I’m good at. If you were to look at my life and the people I’m friends with, it is all influenced by musical theatre. I met some of my closest friends there, and that’s where I plan to spend the rest of my life doing. When I found the theatre, I found a home.

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